Prenuptial Agreements
A prenuptial agreement is an excellent method for keeping your assets your own in the event of a divorce and/or the death of your partner. At Kirby Law, we understand that a solid estate plan includes a prenuptial agreement. Rather than neglect your financial priorities when it comes to marriage, Angela Kirby helps you work through your situation in order to ensure that your needs are met.
A prenuptial agreement is not just for the extremely wealthy. Every couple has its own particular circumstances, and these may be best served by a prenuptial agreement. Many blended families with children from previous marriages benefit from a defined division of property and the estate. Many people come into their marriages well-established and with significant assets, having opted to marry later in life. Often, a family business must be taken into consideration. Ms. Kirby's years of working with families puts her in an excellent position to work with your family's unique situation in order to create an agreement that best serves your goals. Planning ahead makes each of your intentions clear to your beneficiaries to avoid confusion and litigation.
A prenuptial agreement is a voluntary agreement. The two parties involved determine their terms and an experienced attorney will draft the agreement for them to sign prior to the marriage. The agreement should address issues such as property distribution, spousal support, inheritance rights and other matters associated with the end of a marriage. Full disclosure and a lack of coercion are vital in order for the agreement to be effective. Ms. Kirby is an experienced attorney who is ready to work with you and guide you through this process.
Because marriage affects your legal status, it is important to have a knowledgeable, compassionate attorney when considering how you and your partner will resolve important financial issues. It also helps your children understand your views and serves as a guide as to your specific preferences. Ms. Kirby is available to work with you and your partner in order to create an agreement that addresses your concerns.
Contact us today so that we can begin working with you in order to create the appropriate prenuptial agreement for you and your spouse. We are available to meet you in our offices in Columbia, Charleston, Camden and Murrells Inlet.